Wildfires - Prepare & Stay Safe
Prepare & Stay Safe
As we prepare for summer and fall weather, extreme lack of rain in some areas of the country has left vegetation dry and susceptible to quick destruction if a fire occurs. Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in natural areas like forests, grasslands or prairies. These dangerous fires spread quickly and can devastate not only wildlife and natural areas, but also communities. It’s an unfortunate reality that operating a business in an area considered a “wildfire zone” is more costly and sometimes can be very difficult to obtain insurance coverage. Properties located in these areas can expect to pay higher insurance premiums and potentially have a higher deductible specific to a wildfire claim.
Well-managed operations proactively put safety procedures in place to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters. To minimize the loss of life, assets and revenue, it is critical to take this type of potential damage seriously and follow the directives of your local emergency services department. The three critical steps to an effective Safety Plan are preparedness Before, response During, and recovery After.After.
Prepare & Stay Safe
Claims Happen! At Universal Insurance, we want to make your claims experience as fast, easy and stress-free. Once the claim has been processed a representative will provide a email confirmation.
Would you like to call in your claim?
Please call 602.222.8300